
Mikael Lustig

Looking for Mikael Lustig stats ? Get detailed information about their nationality, club details, skills, stats and key traits below –

Mikael Lustig Profile –

Nationality -Sweden Birth Date -1986-12-13
Height (cm) -187.96 Weight (kg) -78
Key Positions -RB,CB Overall Ratings -71
Preferred Foot -Right


National Team Details

  1. National Team Name -Sweden
  2. National Jersey Number -2
  3. National Team Position -RB


Club Name Details –

  1. Club Name -Celtic
  2. Club Join Date -2012-01-01
  3. Club Position -SUB
  4. Club Jersey Number -23
  5. Contract End Year -2019


Key Percentage Score [Out of 100 ]

  1. Crossing Score -66
  2. Dribbling Score -66
  3. Curve Score -65
  4. Sprint Speed Score -54
  5. Finishing Score -48

Key Player Skills and Traits

Long Throw-in, Long Passer, Team Player

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