Kevin McHale has some stories in the bag from his days in Boston. Does he have a book? Everyone and his or her mom has a book these days – McHale could definitely fill one up even though stories have been told from those great Celtics teams. In this short interview he seems to value the winning environment he played in very much – I wonder how much those high-caliber teammates of his helped boost his level of play. From day one, he had the cream of the crop along side him in green and white. This interview was basically a trip down memory lane with some advice for Dwight Howard thrown in. When McHale speaks about scoring in the post there’s one thing to do: listen. Conveniently, McHale’s advice for Dwight is that he needs to perfect one move – watching Superman, I couldn’t agree more. McHale joined WJOX in Birmingham to discuss the development of the big with the most potential in the NBA, why he almost never played a game as a Celtic, and he tells the story of his physical when he arrived in Beantown.
What does Dwight Howard need to do to get better?
“He really needs to develop a go to move down there. I’ll tell ya, my biggest beef with a lot of the players, they come in and I’ll watch the guys work with them, they’ll do 15 things. They’ll have 15 post moves but they don’t have one that they can really count on. I’m always like, ‘Why don’t they teach him one move? Just one…’ Dwight Howard needs a post move… Everybody says, ‘What about his left hand?’ How many times did you see Kareem (Abdul-Jabbar) shoot it left handed?… Once he gets, I don’t know if he can, but if he can get that post game where he really has a dependable move or two, he’s gonna really, really be something.”
On why he almost never suited up for the Celtics:
“My first training camp, I get in to Boston, and Red Auerbach, who is the world’s worst driver by the way, drives me. I sign the contract in the office, about a 20-minute ride to our practice facility. I’m thinking, ‘This is the Boston Celtics, this is gonna be unbelievable. I can’t wait to get going.’ Red’s driving, looking at me, smoking a cigar, missing cars by about three inches the entire time I’m going to practice. I’m just thinking after a while, ‘I just hope I get there alive… There’s smoke in the car, I had to roll down the window and he’s puffing away.”
On likely the shortest physical of all-time:
“We get to practice, I run in, the physical literally took like 30 seconds. The practice had started, the doctor literally said, ‘How do you feel?’ I said, ‘Good.’ He basically said, ‘Turn your head and cough’ and I went out and practiced. And, that was my physical. It’s so different today – today, I tell you what, you look in every orifice the guy has, it’s ridiculous. My physical was honestly 15-20 seconds.”