Greg Oden is Learning a Really Hard Lesson in the NBA

Greg Oden is Learning a Really Hard Lesson in the NBA

It’s been a very rough career in the NBA for Greg Oden. After being selected with the first overall pick a couple of years ago from Ohio State, Greg Oden has not lived up to his draft status. He missed his entire rookie season with micro fracture surgery and played sparingly in his sophomore season struggling to adjust to the NBA. This season, was supposed to be the year where Oden asserted himself and showed the world why he was so highly touted coming out of Ohio State. Well, it hasn’t worked out that way as once again he has been sidelined by injury. During his career, Oden has made more headlines for what he hasn’t done on the court as opposed to what he has done.

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Now, Oden is making headlines once again for all the wrong reasons. This past week, nude photos surfaced on the internet of Oden that he sent to his girlfriend from his cell phone about a year and a half ago. I give Oden a ton of credit for taking this head on, addressing the situation and admitting a mistake. However, if you’re a celebrity and you take nude pictures of yourself, they’re going to get leaked. You have to be really careful about who you can trust and who you can’t trust. This is a lesson that Greg Oden is learning the hard way. Greg Oden joined 95.5 the Game in Portland with John Canzano to apologize about the pictures on the internet, talk about how he learned about the photos on the internet, where the pictures came from and what he learned from this.

On whether or not his phone was blowing up with people contacting him:

“Yeah, it was blowing up. Just trying to figure out the best way to go at this. Thing we came up with was just address it. Get it out of the way. It was a thing of the past, I’m definitely sorry and it was definitely really embarrassing. I wanna apologize to the organization; I apologize to Mr. Allen, to the fans and definitely my family. It’s just something that we wanna move away from and worry about getting myself back to playing.”

On who the girl was that did this and if he has any anger towards her:

“That aspect I really don’t wanna go into that detail of it. It’s just something that I want to move forward to. I had a relationship with a lady and some things came out. I really had no idea what happened but that aspect and that personal aspect I really don’t want to go into details about.”

On whether this can be lesson for everyone else out there:

“Yeah, I definitely know that it’s something that I can be a personal example of. You really have to be aware who you do that type of stuff with. You think you trust somebody when anything can happen as soon as you send. You definitely have to be careful with who you trust in that type of situation.”

On how he found about the pictures:

“I actually got woken up this morning at 6 AM from somebody telling me to go check it out and that there’s some pictures of me. I’ve had pictures of me on websites before and they blew it up way worse than it was. I was halfway asleep and I go to check it out. As soon as I see it, my heart just dropped and I’m like what’s going on? It was a tough morning for me.”

On whether or not this was his decision or his management’s decision to come out with this:

“We definitely all came to an agreement that it’s best to come out and just to let people know. I definitely want to let people know that those pictures were taken and sent over a year and a half ago. I’ve definitely grown since then and learned a lot since then and know that you can’t do those types of things. That’s basically one of the main things that we wanted to get out and tell people that I’m sorry and this is definitely an embarrassing moment and we all would like to move forward from this.”

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