Catalina Cruz On Becoming A Porn Star
This post absolutely zero to do with sports (except that it was on a sports radio station and her mom used to work for the Browns) but we can make it feel that way by throwing in some sports cliches. Catalina Cruz got an opportunity to make it in her profession, and she grabbed it by the balls. A lot of sweat, tears, and hard work was put in, but she got it done… a lot. Really, it was right place, right time, and she knocked it out of the park. Cue the porn music. Catalina Cruz joined 1560 The Game in Houston to discuss how she got in to pornography, who she would most like to film a movie with (not sure what type of movie), and if it’s weird having sex in front of people.
On how she first got in to porn:
“It just kind of snowballed. I actually just started playing online one day, and this is back in like ‘98, and I uploaded some photos just to a regular modeling agency online — well, not an agency, just where you upload photos or whatever — and then I just started getting calls from photographers. And just one day I went to go do a shoot and he’s like, ‘Um, yeah, let’s submit some photos to Playboy.’ That’s always their line to get the girls to take off their tops, so that’s how that started. And then it just kind of snowballed. It’s a longer story than that, but….”
On what two celebrities (one male and one female) she’d like to film a movie with:
“Probably Penelope Cruz. ‘Cause I get that all the time that we resemble each other, so I just think it would be really hot to do a scene with her. And um, this is gonna sound kinda weird, but Nicholas Cage.”
On if it’s awkward filming sex scenes in front of people:
“Well, I’ve gotten used to it. You have the make-up person, the camera crew, just everything. But in the very beginning it’s kind of awkward because if you’re not totally comfortable with your body, you’re seeing everything and everyone’s seeing it too. So you have to be very, very comfortable in your own skin and you have to like sex. And if you’re not comfortable then you’re gonna be self-conscious with everyone watching. But I’ve just gotten really used to it and I like people watching me so it’s not that big of a deal to me.”