The Go-Shin Kempo Ju-Jutsu Association is based in the Northwest region of England, specifically East Lancashire.It is made up of several individual clubs teaching junior classes and/or senior classes of students. They open at various times on various days throughout the week, within sports-centers or community halls around the region of the towns and cities of Blackburn, Rishton, Great Harwood, Accrington, Clitheroe, Haslingden,Rawtenstall, Burnley, Colne and Manchester. The sensei’s of each club are Black-Belt grades, or above, who regularly train together at a Master’s Class. This ensures that everyone is learning the same techniques in the same way and so theycan teach their own students in the same way.
The Association produces a Syllabus text-book detailing all the techniques required for each Kyu grade (Coloured or pre Black-Belt grades) with photographed examples of each technique, which all students are required to learn from. This helps to maintain a consistant level of standards, allowing any student to train with a student of the same grade from any other GKJJA club, since they have both learned the same techniques in the same way. The GKJJA has often arranged local demonstrations of Ju-Jitsu at local fares, exhibition events and schools’ open-days to introduce the arts to local people and maybe tempt them into finding out more about the club and possibly joining up.
The GKJJA also holds a regional, annual competition which allows students from every club to put their skills to the test against students from other clubs in the association who they don’t usually mix with. The students get the opportunity to make new friends, the clubs are more closely related to one-another, where everyone knows someone from another club, and where the club sensei’s can show-off their star pupils or latest demonstation routines. The Chairman of the Goshin Kempo JuJitsu Association, Mr. Martin Dixon, is also the Chairman of the British JuJitsu Association’s Governing Body. The British Ju-Jitsu Association (Governing Body) also arranges a national, all British competition along the same lines, incorporating training sessions as well, but with the same emphasis on the social life of the club and promoting friendship between students from different clubs around the country.