Jim Harbaugh Talks Up Randy Moss: “It’s Been Cool”

The San Francisco 49ers improved their win total from six in to 13 in, which was remarkable considering that Jim Harbaugh was in his first year as head coach. Plus, Harbaugh didn’t have much of an offseason with the team, thanks to the lockout. It’s scary to think how much better the Niners could be with Harbaugh in. Jim Harbaugh joined Murph and Mac on KNBR in San Francisco to discuss the addition of Randy Moss, the state of the team and the backup quarterback situation in San Fran.

On feeling that the 49ers are better this year than they were at this point last year:

“We really feel like our team is a better team than where we were at this time, and that does not guarantee more wins. You hope it does, but those are played out on Sundays.”

On how the Randy Moss experiment has been going:

“It’s been very good, it’s been cool. It’s great being around Randy Moss, he loves football. He’s always talking about football. And he’s been a great leader, inspiration to our younger receivers. He is very open to help coach them, talk football. He enjoys that part of it. He’s been a tremendous mentor and he’s competing and he’s playing. And very excited to watch him play on Friday night.”

On Josh Johnson and the backup quarterback situation:

“We go way back. I was Josh’s college coach. I recruited Josh from Oakland Tech. Very close relationship, and best of friends. He’s in the middle of a big-time quarterback battle. They’re competing for the backup role and spots on the football team, along with Colin Kaepernick and Scott Tolzien. It’s been very tight because all three of those quarterbacks, in our opinion, will play in the National Football League for a long time to come. It’s been fluid. There could be a day when one’s up and has the advantage over the other and the next day it could be reversed, or it could be even. It just has the feel of going up, down, sideways. And it is a thing to really watch in the preseason.

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