The NCAA’s Mistreatment of Dez Bryant
Former Oklahoma State wide receiver, Dez Bryant, was suspended by the NCAA for most of last season for lying to them about contact he had with Deion Sanders. He initially lied about going over to Sanders’ house because he thought that was a violation of NCAA rules, which it wasn’t. So he came back to tell them the truth and they suspended him for the rest of the season. That is absurd! Yes, he shouldn’t have lied about his contact with Sanders but the reason he lied speaks volumes about the culture the NCAA has created among college athletes. They are afraid of violating NCAA rules because anything and everything is now a violation these days. The NCAA doesn’t want these athletes making any money but they want to make billions of tax-free dollars off of them. Congratulations on ruining the end of Bryant’s collegiate career, NCAA. We all know that collegiate athletics is not about amateurism and it’s not about education. It’s about making money. Period.
Dez Bryant joined KHTK in Sacramento to talk about what the NCAA suspended him for, whether he has taken any positives from the punishment the NCAA handed down, and what his routine is like training for the Combine.What he has been up to lately:“I have just been training trying to get back in shape. Just doing what I normally do, just get up and work out.”What the NCAA suspended him for:“My honest opinion, I just feel like they said they suspended me for lying to them and my opinion is also that they think I had something going on with Eugene Parker but it wasn’t like that.”Whether he has taken any positives from the punishment the NCAA handed down:“I learned to be truthful and honest at all times. I just felt like even though the punishment was too harsh because before it got out that I lied, I felt bad that I lied. I came back and told the NCAA that yes, I went out to Deion Sanders’ house. That is why they suspended me because they thought that I lied for going there and saying that I didn’t go to his house but I did go to his house. I told them that I didn’t go but I did go I just felt like it needed to be out there and I told them and they suspended me.
I asked for an appeal and they didn’t want to do the appeal for me and got suspended.”Whether he got the message right away that the NCAA was trying to send:“Yes sir. I just felt like once again that the punishment was harsh and in my mind I thought that they would cut me some kind of slack for coming back telling the truth but they didn’t. I just had to deal with it and move forward.”Whether the punishment helped him open his eye to what the real world will be like: “Yes sir. It did. It really was a wakeup call. I just felt like that I have matured. I felt like that I got to take things and look at things a different way like just being on top of my game. Things are important now, my main priorities. I just got to be right at all times.”What his routine is like training for the Combine:“I get up every morning at 6:30 and we workout at ten or sometimes nine. We just go out and train, do drills to stay in shape. Also I am training in Tampa, Saddlebrook.”What workouts he does when he gets to the gym:“We stretch. We begin by stretching. We do a lot of ab work. We do a lot of hurdle work to loosen up. That is just our warmup and we just go out there and just Basically what we do a lot of is just work on our forty.”